Marketing Your Website: Is SEO worth it?

With my recent job change, I have taken a new interest some new buzz words: social media, online marketing, marketing strategy, search engine optimization, etc. That last one, search engine optimization, or SEO, has always been a tricky one for me. I have met many people who feel they need to trick Google into indexing their site and that by placing the right links in the right places, you will get a better search ranking. I even talked with one ‘expert’ who told me that by embeding popular YouTube videos on his site about sunflower seeds, (not the real topic), he got more traffic and place better in the rankings for searches on “sunflower seeds” then if he just had actual, realavent content on his site.

This recent article form highlights “6 Big Myths about SEO” and it struck a nerve with me. What it really comes down to is not tricks and links, but real, good content. Want a good inbound link? Get a good review of your services. Want people to come back to your site? Give them a realavent reason, not a list of videos that has nothing to do with what your site is about!

Websites, marketing, social media, and yes, SEO, is about one thing: Do you have the content that someone wants? Are you giving your audience a reason to comeback? If not, then it’s time for a change!

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