Where Did The Bubbly Go?

I have struggled to gain an understanding of what is going on in the financial markets of the last few week (other then the fact that my bank now has a new owner.)

This morning I found a amazingly simple explanation of the problem from my favorite radio show, Marketplace. Senior Editor Paddy Hirschon explains what it all means in this simple explaination. It reminds me of CommonCraft video shows. Take a look:

(via PresentationZen)

Emails, Lies and Rumors

A friend of mine recently wrote a post addressing many of the dreams and conspiracy theories that are swarming around. I couldn’t agree with him more.

Those who are focused on these rumors are focused on the wrong thing. We chase down those rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and dooms day prophecies when we really should be spending time in the word of God. Studying our Bibles and making sure our hearts and minds are right with the Savior.

Will things get worse? Certainly. Will there be terrible things that will happen to Christ’s followers? Without a doubt. Christ Himself foretold that happening. But we must not get distracted. The devil doesn’t have to get us to follow him, only to take our eyes off of Christ.

While I haven’t seen may of the emails that Evan talks about in his post, I have seen enough to believe that it goes around and I’ve seen enough of emails in my inbox that a simple Google search will show the truth, or fallacy, in the message.

Read Evan’s post. Share it. Then get out your Bible and put your eyes and focus back on Christ.

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.
— Matt 24:6-8

Be of good cheer. For HE has overcome the world!


_images_writing_direction_bstpdn.gifWhile researching writing directions for a project at work, I found a site, Omniglot.com, that discusses the various writing directions. We are all aware of left-to-right, the standard for western languages. In the middle east, you will find right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic. In mongolia, and a few other place, you can find vertical scripts, that read either left-to-right or right-to-left but top to bottom. However, I learned of a new one to me, Boustrophedon. Boustrophedon starts right-to-left then goes left-to-right and then alternates that on every line. What an interesting way to write. That would, however, create some large challenges for computer-based writing.

The User Error

If you have ever done user support for technical, or even minorly technical problems, you will understand that there could always be a problem with the user, not the technology. And for those situations you need a term and that is PEBKAC or “Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair”. I love it!

Via Swissmiss


Yet another ad by Sony, this one using Foam. The previous ones featured Bouncy Balls, Paint, and Playdoh Bunnies. Each of the ads were filmed in a major metro area.

I just love the concept of mass amounts of things: foam, bubbles, balls paint. Overwhelm me! It’s great. Why am I never round when they do these kind of things?!? I want to play too!

Foam City

The Making of Foam City

Via swissmiss


I’ve always loved typography and the printing press. While at Southern, I had the privelidge of taking a printing class. Real presses, real ink, real plates. It was wonderful! However, I never got to use a letter press and that is where the beauty really is. Firefly Press of Somerville, Massachusetts is a shop that only does letter press work. From making their own type to designing the pieces with type to printing the finished piece on the letter press, one impression at a time.

Some days, I would love to go back to a life like that. Everything is highly mechanical and the options are right before your eyes. No browser testing, no export glitches, no bandwidth limitations or bugs (Ok, so I can see it could be a problem to get a bug in the ink, but that is different).

FontFeed.com recently ran a post about Firefly Press titled “The Magic That is Letterpress” and they included an amazing video about the work that Firefly does. The video’s are produced by ILoveTypography.com

FireFly Letterpress from ilovetypography.com on Vimeo.

More Nepali Memories

Last night I got an email from my friend Bhaju Ram Shrestha in Nepal. He was helped start the first Adventist church in Nepal as well as the local ADRA office and continues to be active in the local Adventist church by, among other things, translating materials into Nepali.

Nepal is changing so fast these days. This year the king was deposed and for the first time in the history of the country, they are a republic with an elected Parliament as well as a Prime Minister and President. A bigger change, in my opinion though, is that this government is no longer a Hindu government but a secular one. The Lord is certainly opening the doors for His work to advance quickly, at least for a time.

Back in May, Bhaju was interviewed by Ansel Oliver from the Adventist News Network. I’m linking to the version on the Adventist Review’s website as that is supposed to be longer but looks like the same on as ANN’s website.